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Clean Master APK v7.4.6


More about Clean Master

Your android phone slowing down? Speed it up with the Clean Master phone cleaning app. This app will clear up all the old junk files and will recommend deeper cleans which will help to speed up your phone. It will provide a complete breakdown of all the files it wants to delete, and how much space will be freed up.

The initial scan starts from taking care of the 'junk,’ which includes cached files, data no longer needed by apps such as Facebook, and all other Social Media apps.  The app this way frees up chunks of storage space on your phone that could improve performance by cleaning and streamlining files.

Clean your phone with Clean Master

When you first open the app you will be bombarded with options such as Antivirus, Junk files, Phone Boost, CPU Cooler and many more mentioned below. You will have a plethora of options to choose from, it can easily be your all in one app.

  • Junk Files: With this, you will be able to clear all the junk of old and cached files. The junk files are unnecessary files that hold no value on your device. The examples of junk files are temporary or idle files. They occupy a place in your storage but are never used. The app will scan and offer you to delete junk files. You can delete all of them or select the particular ones which belong to a certain application.
  • Phone Boost: The phone boost option will measure the amount of ram that can be cleared. It will also measure the CPU temperature and will start the CPU сooler option which detects and shuts down the intensive applications to reduce the load on the processor. Minimum RAM usage will also reduce your phone’s temperature.
  • Antivirus: Antivirus feature scans installed apps and detects the dangerous files (e.g., apps that break into the system). It describes which exactly harm the detected app may cause to the device and proposes possible ways of fixing the problem. Which is normally removing the said app.
  • CPU Cooler: This feature works on the same principle as the phone boost. Scanning and minimizing the usage of RAM consuming apps. Shutting them down to minimize phone temperature.
  • Battery Saver: Saving battery with a single click enables you to detect apps that might be consuming the battery in the background. You can shut down the apps that you don’t need in case of a very low battery. This is useful because you can easily shut down apps from the same dashboard instead of doing it manually.
  • Notification Center: Annoyed of those pesky notifications that keep you bothering. Just head to the Notification center in Clean Master and you would be able to turn off unwanted popups that keep disturbing you.



21.7 MB
